Renai Neet ~ Wasureta Koi no Hajimekata - Update E05

Rin works in the sales promotion department at a publisher, though she is treated as unreliable by both her superiors and her subordinates. Her life revolves around her career and she has not been in a personal relationship for the last 8 years. One day, she and her friend Nanako go their friend Miho’s “divorce ceremony,” where they meet three men: a dentist named Naoya, a flavorist at a major food company named Kota, and a handsome young man named Shunpei. The story focuses on the relationships between these 6 characters.


Title: 恋愛ニート~忘れた恋のはじめ方~
Title (romaji): Renai NEET~Wasureta Koi no Hajimekata~
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Romantic, comedy
Episodes: 10
Viewership rating: TBA
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 2012-Jan-20 to 2012-Mar-23
Air time: Friday 22:00

Episode 01-05

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